Local Care and Support Organisations

Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership

Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), deliver adult social care services and all community health services for adults and children in the Renfrewshire area.

Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership website

Local Clubs and Groups

WiRe can help you find local clubs and groups, services and organisations which can support you. You may be new to the area and want to find out what’s happening in your local community, or you may have a Self Directed Support budget and want to use it to get out and about.

Local Clubs and Groups on the Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership website.

Local Renfrewshire Resources


counselling for young people on issues such as well-being, feelings, stress, relationships, health, emotions, coping skills, anger and conflict, peer support and exam stress. Speak to pastoral care staff or a teacher at your school who can refer you into the service.

Crisis Counselling

counselling service in Erskine. Specialist counsellors trained to work with children and young people affected by many issues. You can self-refer on 0141 812 8474 or email info@crisiscounselling.co.uk.

School Nurse

Support young people affected by mental health issues e.g. related to bereavement, parental separation. Referral can be done by School or by the GP.

Women and Children First

Provide support to women and children who have experienced rape, sexual assault, physical abuse, harassment and/or child sexual abuse regardless of where or when this happened. You can self-refer on 0300 300 0345.

Cedar Network

part of Scottish Women’s Aid. Programme for children and young people who have been victims of or witnessed domestic abuse. Programmes also available for the mothers of these children/young people. Run by Renfrewshire Reconnection – 0300 300 0345 (can self-refer).

Online Resources

Young Minds

UK’s leading charity for looking after the emotional health of young people. Excellent website with helpful resources and advice for both the young person and their parent/carer. There is a separate Parent helpline 0808 802 5544 (9.30-4pm M-F)

The Mix

UK based charity. Free, confidential support for anyone under 25y. Offer support on wide range of issues such as self-harm, sex and relationships, mental health, bullying, drugs, finding a job, money, housing problems, work and study, crime and safety, travel and lifestyle.  Can chat online or phone 0808 808 4994 or chat by email. Available 24/7 365 days/year.


UK based charity, anyone under 18 can confidentially call, email or chat online 1 to 1 with on online advisor about any problem. Freephone 24h helpline 0800 1111 or sign up for a Childline account online to be able to message a counsellor any time without using your own email address.


Run by XenZone (a provider of online mental health services for children, young people and adults). Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free to use. Register online to sign in and access it.


Prevention of young suicide – Papyrus. –national confidential helpline for young people <35 at risk of suicide or someone worried about a young person. 08000684141 or 07786209697 10am-10pm M-F 2pm – 10pm weekends or email pat@papyrus-uk.org


Useful information and video clips of other people’s experiences including mental health problems


Supporting teenage mental health. This is a useful website with advice for young people, their friends and family/carers about teenage mental health including issues such as eating disorders, self-harm, depression and anxiety, addiction.

Help with Specific Issues

Mood Cafe

Relaxation exercises for children with anxiety – Scottish website with helpful relaxation exercises/techniques for children with anxiety.

Help with bullying

www.bullying.co.uk – UK Charity Bullying UK – lots of information including about Cyberbullying.

www.respectme.org.uk – Scotland’s anti-bullying service – information for young people, parents and information on anti-bullying policies

www.antibullying.net –The Anti-Bullying Network – website supporting anti-bullying work in schools and providing information about how to tackle bullying. Sections for young people and for their parents/families.

Help to lose weight

Weigh to go – service in Renfrewshire for 12-18 year olds who want to lose weight. Weigh_To_Go_Leaflet.pdf (hscp.scot) or phone 0141 451 2727

Drugs and alcohol

Drugs and alcohol

Eating disorders

Sexual health and wellbeing

  • https://sexwise.fpa.org.uk/ – website of the family planning association with loads of useful information about contraception, STIs, unplanned pregnancy, and sexual wellbeing.

Other useful online resources

Doc Ready

Helpful advice for young people about preparing to talk to a GP about mental health

Young people’s mental health | Royal College of Psychiatrists

The Royal College of Psychiatrists has put together lots of useful information for young people, parents, teachers and carers on a wide range of mental health issues.  Links to leaflets to print out.

NICE guidelines for social anxiety in young people

These are the national guidelines on how to help young people experiencing social anxiety.

Phone apps

  • Stay alive – pocket suicide prevention app including safety plan, lifebox to store photos and memories that are important to you, tips for staying safe, breathing exercises
  • Calm Harm – award winning app to help you cope with the urge to self harm
  • Smiling mind – guided meditation
  • SAM –  self-help for anxiety management
  • Headspace – meditation and mindfulness
  • Calm – meditation and help with sleep.
  • Stop Breathe Think – sleep better, breathe more easily and find more calm
  • Bhuddify – meditation and mindfulness


For children/young people:

  • Feeding the anxiety gremlin (Kate Collins-Donnelly) – there are 2 books, one aimed at children aged 5-9y and one at children aged 10y and over.
  • Stopping the pain: a workbook for teens who cut and self injure (Lawrence E Shapiro)
  • What to do when you worry too much – a kid’s guide to overcoming anxiety (Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews) – self-help book aimed at 6-12 year olds and their parents.
  • The huge bag of worries (Virginia Ironside) – aimed at anxious children aged 3-8 years
  • Am I depressed and what can I do about it? (Shirley Reynolds) * – age appropriate self-help guide aimed at young people aged 13-17 who are experiencing low mood and depression

For parents/carers:

  • Helping your anxious child: a step by step guide for parents – 2009 edition (Ronald Rapee) – strategies and techniques to help parents help children with separation anxiety, general anxiety, social anxiety, specific phobia, panic disorder.
  • A volcano in my tummy: Helping children to handle anger (Eliane Whitehouse) – A resource book for parents, caregivers and teachers
  • How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk (Adele Faber) – effective step by step techniques for parents to help improve their relationships with their children
  • How to talk so teens will listen and listen so teens will talk (Adele Faber) – practical advice for parents and teens
  • When your kids push your buttons and what you can do about it (Bonnie Harris) – advice on how to end the cycle of action and reaction between you and your child.
  • Parenting a child who has intense emotions: Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills to help your child regular emotional outbursts and aggressive behaviours (Pat Harvey) – guide to de-escalating your child’s emotions and helping your child express feelings in productive ways
  • Overcoming your child’s fears and worries: A self-help guide using Cognitive behavioural techniques (Cathy Cresswell) – teaches parents how to use cognitive behavioural techniques with their children.
  • Teenage depression – a CBT guide for parents (Shirley Reynolds) – companion book to * above. Looks at the issues from a parent’s point of view with advice about what to look out for and strategies to help.